I am celebrating a major accomplishment. All of my life I have struggled with completion. College, marriage, books, blogs.... lots of stuff. I have just reached one of the first completion milestones of my life! There are pros and cons to this statement. The pros are the sense of accomplishment, pride, and satisfaction. The con is the realization that this accomplishment took less than 31 minutes. I like to focus on the positive and see this as me turning over a new leaf in adulthood.
Last week I reached a goal associated with my new running habit. After many tries, showing up to races and leaving before the gun, running and walking, stopping and starting... I did it: 5K on Thanksgiving morning. It's not a marathon, it's not a triathlon... why do I do that? Why do I stop patting myself in the back only to give myself a lashing for no good reason. I don't suppose I need a trophy simply because I woke up this morning and wasn't a total lazy ass, but where is the fine line between self deprecation and self recognition? How can I be proud of myself and share that pride without being the annoying girl I hate?
OK that will take more than a day for me to answer, but I am tickled. I am so happy that I have reached one goal I only hope it does not deter me from my next. I hope this accomplishment however large or small inspires me to do more rather than grows my fear of failure. Not sure what is next but at least I know now that I CAN finish something!!
Last week I reached a goal associated with my new running habit. After many tries, showing up to races and leaving before the gun, running and walking, stopping and starting... I did it: 5K on Thanksgiving morning. It's not a marathon, it's not a triathlon... why do I do that? Why do I stop patting myself in the back only to give myself a lashing for no good reason. I don't suppose I need a trophy simply because I woke up this morning and wasn't a total lazy ass, but where is the fine line between self deprecation and self recognition? How can I be proud of myself and share that pride without being the annoying girl I hate?
OK that will take more than a day for me to answer, but I am tickled. I am so happy that I have reached one goal I only hope it does not deter me from my next. I hope this accomplishment however large or small inspires me to do more rather than grows my fear of failure. Not sure what is next but at least I know now that I CAN finish something!!