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Showing posts from January 22, 2012

The Someday List 1.26.12

I read a great statement today about "Someday", said with the intention of motivating people to remove things from the someday list and assign an actual date to them. Someday I will go to Japan. Someday I will write a book. Someday I will sing the National Anthem at a sporting event.... stuff like that. So it got me thinking about the little someday things. Being that my new thing is to accomplish tasks, complete things without over committing, etc.... I wanted to start with some realistic things. Someday I will start saying what's on my mind... Done! Someday I will get organized and throw away the JUNK... Done! Someday I will be an active member in my child's education... Done! Already I feel productive...I was saying that I really like life changes and it is exactly that which has motivated me to turn my "somedays" into assigned goals and although it is not always effortless, it feels amazing. My heart went from being broken to healing stronger. Maybe it...