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Showing posts from March 3, 2013

Bad Ideas

It happens. It's possible I've long mistaken my ability to recognize a bad idea for issues with committing to long term plans. Yes that's it - I simply realized after hours of pain and as my insides revolted against me that a juice cleanse was not a good idea. Other things prove on the contrary to be great ideas. I was just laying here in bed thinking about my ability to move my recently broken inflexible weakened body into locust pose like a grasshopper. From the back of the room it didn't look that hard but the first day it felt impossible. It seemed like a good idea to keep trying. Sounds simple and it is. Listen to your body. Good ideas feel good and bad ideas feel bad. The old fashioned way of doing things is generally a pretty good idea. Yoga is ages old and it's still around. Clearly the cave men didn't have diet pills and juice cleanses to make themselves feel good. Not saying I'm going all paleo - again too extreme for me to maintain. But I thin...

Un-Doing 3.7.13

This is what I mean. Less than 24 hours ago I committed to a three day fast and even after a steak dinner (a last supper of sorts) my stomach is growling with anticipation during the early hours of the morning. Being reborn seems to come with a lot of self revelation that we aren't cognizant of during our initial birth from the womb. Nice to have that sort of beautiful ignorance about our own shortfalls and potential, wasn't it?! So not all kinds of responsibilities accompany the fact that I have been given this (new) life. Since my past is littered with forgotten sagas and years that remain blank in my memory bank because they were more easily discarded than corrected, I am consciously looking backward at the un-doables. OK so I ate a big bowl of pasta, felt bloated and the carbalicious guilt that came along the next morning flooded me with a desire to make a change. I am not sure if a three day cleanse of prune juice, apple juice, and water is the perfect answer, but test...

White Food 3.6.13

I'm pretty sure my attendance at yoga this morning is like going to confession. It had been a long 60 days but I enjoyed a nice bowl of pasta last night with home made turkey meatballs. It echoed in my mind as I sat staring at the empty dish with discomfort and regret in my gut, what the yogi said the first day. "Let's not eat white foods." Not the gobble of the turkey meatball nor the cottony fluffy innards of the soft roll gave me a similar guilt. So despite my lingering soreness from Monday's visit I will limp my way back in. In repentance I terrorized my family this morning insisting they all get moving early so I could stop at the super Wally World and get my own yoga mat. I think since its my third time then the mat won't put my continued commitment at risk. That's pretty much my m.o. Buy new shoes stop running. Unlimited membership in anything means limited ongoing interest. Will tofu and kale be part of my daily life? What will I become next?